How to be happy today..

Today’s post is a bit different. I want to take a minute to share my “technique” to be happy or positive everyday. It is a simple thing to do and everyone can do it. Enjoy the little things. Yep, that’s it. If you can enjoy the all day things everyday, you will be a more … More How to be happy today..

You want it now?

“Get rich quick!,Be successful now! These quotes are all over the internet. They are a real clickbait for shady investments or impossible personal trainings. But the truth is that succes or wealth doesn’t happen in 1 or 2 days, these things take time. As I was watching  Stefan from Project Life Mastery, it struck me … More You want it now?

The Law of Respect

While reading “The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership” By John C. Maxwell, I came across the most interesting chapter so far (for me..). The 7th law: ” The law of respect”. It states that in order to be a successful leader, you must gain respect from your followers or the people that you would like … More The Law of Respect